I was having a conversation with dear friend of mine and the conversation went towards the direction of how the world is a reflection of you. This concept, both philosophically and theosophically, is often difficult to fully appreciate because it isn't often pursued in the areas it can fully manifest. So, this is what we're going to do; we're going explore some of the teachings from the past to see what can be learned.
In occultism philosophies, mankind is often referred to as the microcosm, but what does that actually mean? Put simply, it is saying that you are a reflection of the universe, but even that is oversimplified because it actually goes against the oneness of the universe in its totality. A theosophical interpretation would reveal that you are not separated from the universe in the sense it exist beyond or outside of it, rather that it is you in the same way you are you in your reflection while you stare at a mirror, or rather you are a reflection of it. It only appears that it exist outside of you because our physical perception gives the illusion that we are behind our eyes, when in fact you are not and the outside world is in fact a part of the very fabric that is you. Feel like you're being force fed a red pill yet?
This is where it can get more within the realms of easier understanding. Whether or not you know this, you are in fact constantly hallucinating, and what we all call "reality" is in fact an agreed upon hallucination, which some of the latest studies in neuroscience have shown. An example of how powerful this can be, your brain can even make things seem to "disappear" and this can be seen with your nose, or rather that you don't see it unless you consciously choose to. Whether or not you choose to, it is always within the field of view of your eyesight, yet the brain sees it as unnecessary information so it makes it disappear. So what else can the brain do with "reality" if we can train it? Well, that has been told by sages and adepts throughout history, and they say you become aware of the illusion before your eyes and cease to see the illusion as reality in its truest form. But how?
The easiest way is through introspection since it changes how the illusion is viewed; the inner world will always reflect on the outer, for it is in fact you. When the mind is at ease, the world becomes a peaceful existence; when it is chaotic, the world appears to be chaotic. All this and not to mention you attract what you put out, but if you don't even have control on what you put out then how will you ever have control on what you attract? In short, you won't, and the world will constantly appear to be happening to you rather than you are living in the world as an active participant. Calm the waters within and you will calm the storm without.
Now, there are many ways that lead to introspection, and I am not a person to tell someone how to pursue their spirituality. If asked my opinion based on experience, I would say through the use of yoga, meditation, rigorous study of your actions and behaviors, and shadow work. That being said, you will find what works for you should you choose to. Want to change the world? Start within yourself and the world will change by itself.
The real question is: How far down the rabbit hole of your Self are you willing to go?
In occultism philosophies, mankind is often referred to as the microcosm, but what does that actually mean? Put simply, it is saying that you are a reflection of the universe, but even that is oversimplified because it actually goes against the oneness of the universe in its totality. A theosophical interpretation would reveal that you are not separated from the universe in the sense it exist beyond or outside of it, rather that it is you in the same way you are you in your reflection while you stare at a mirror, or rather you are a reflection of it. It only appears that it exist outside of you because our physical perception gives the illusion that we are behind our eyes, when in fact you are not and the outside world is in fact a part of the very fabric that is you. Feel like you're being force fed a red pill yet?
This is where it can get more within the realms of easier understanding. Whether or not you know this, you are in fact constantly hallucinating, and what we all call "reality" is in fact an agreed upon hallucination, which some of the latest studies in neuroscience have shown. An example of how powerful this can be, your brain can even make things seem to "disappear" and this can be seen with your nose, or rather that you don't see it unless you consciously choose to. Whether or not you choose to, it is always within the field of view of your eyesight, yet the brain sees it as unnecessary information so it makes it disappear. So what else can the brain do with "reality" if we can train it? Well, that has been told by sages and adepts throughout history, and they say you become aware of the illusion before your eyes and cease to see the illusion as reality in its truest form. But how?
The easiest way is through introspection since it changes how the illusion is viewed; the inner world will always reflect on the outer, for it is in fact you. When the mind is at ease, the world becomes a peaceful existence; when it is chaotic, the world appears to be chaotic. All this and not to mention you attract what you put out, but if you don't even have control on what you put out then how will you ever have control on what you attract? In short, you won't, and the world will constantly appear to be happening to you rather than you are living in the world as an active participant. Calm the waters within and you will calm the storm without.
Now, there are many ways that lead to introspection, and I am not a person to tell someone how to pursue their spirituality. If asked my opinion based on experience, I would say through the use of yoga, meditation, rigorous study of your actions and behaviors, and shadow work. That being said, you will find what works for you should you choose to. Want to change the world? Start within yourself and the world will change by itself.
The real question is: How far down the rabbit hole of your Self are you willing to go?
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